Jesus Christ is present in all the churches of the world as a voluntary prisoner of love. He is waiting for us. I will not leave you orphans, (John 14:18) He promised, for He loves us with an infinite love which knows no limits of time or place. He has been there throughout the centuries in every corner of the globe, from the splendid cathedrals in the noisy cities to the humble little chapels of the lonely Missions. No matter where we go, we can find the King of Kings enthroned within the Tabernacle, waiting lovingly for us.
Since we need Him so much, why do we not go to Him? We have many things to do, but this is the first and most necessary. It will often require some little sacrifice to spend a quarter of an hour before the Tabernacle, but nothing good can ever be achieved without sacrifice.
Moreover, Jesus deserves this sacrifice, for did He not give Himself entirely for us? Does He not continue to sacrifice Himself in the Sacrament and in the Sacrifice of the altar? Let us go to Jesus every day and we shall find comfort for our souls.
When we kneel in front of the Tabernacle and speak with Jesus, we shall feel confident that He is listening to us. We shall be certain that He sympathises with our weaknesses, understands our needs, and is anxious to enrich us with His graces.
2. Look up at the lamp quietly glowing before the Tabernacle in honour of the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus. We also should be like living lamps of love.
The lamp burns night and day in the Presence of Jesus and burns itself out for Him. For what do we wear out our lives? In useless and unnecessary projects, perhaps for worldly reasons, for the satisfaction of our own ego or of our passions? We shall certainly never find peace this way, but only disillusionment and remorse.
The lamp is a light in the darkness. Our lives should be a light of good example to others.
The lamp has a flame which gives heat. We should burn with love for God, our one and only good, and for all men, whom we should regard as our brothers in Jesus Christ.
The lamp is raised above the ground and is suspended from the ceiling by three chains. We should be above earthly things and should be attached to Heaven by the three chains of faith, hope and charity. As the lamp opens out only on top, so should we be open to Heavenly inspirations and closed to worldly preoccupations. God should be the centre of our thoughts, and our lives should be dedicated to Him. In this way we shall find peace on earth and happiness hereafter.
3. The Tabernacle lamp keeps Jesus company by night and by day. We should keep Him company too. We could not remain on our knees for ever in front of the Tabernacle; neither could most of us spend as long as the Saints did in intimate conversation with Jesus. But our hearts can remain with Jesus and can burn with love for Him like the flame of the lamp. It is easy to remain in union with Jesus by doing everything, even the most unimportant actions, from the motive of love for Him. We can offer Him all our sufferings and joys, and whatever sacrifices we make in order to remain good. As the magnetic needle of the mariner's compass is fixed in the direction of the north, so our thoughts and affections should be always turned towards Jesus.